Clinical Update quiz

The Clinical Update online is a free member service providing up to 11 FREE CPD hours per year.

Each month, the Clinical Update is published online. There are 11 Clinical Updates per year. This service is available to ADAVB and ADATas members only. Members can log in to view and answer the Clinical Update questions. If you answer at least eight out of 10 questions correctly, you will receive one hour of scientific CPD. 

Please note: Each new Clinical Update will be available below from the first business day of each month.

May Clinical Update

The dental management of patients irradiated for head and neck cancer

Goh E, Beech N, Johnson N et al. The dental management of patients irradiated for head and neck cancer. Br Dent J 234, 800–804 (2023).

Compiled by Dr Nirav Bhatia.


Radiotherapy for head and neck cancers utilises ionising radiation to damage the genetic material of vulnerable malignant cells and cause cell death. Adverse effects arise from damage to cells of the mucous membranes, underlying soft tissue, salivary glands, teeth, periosteum, bone and vasculature. This may result in xerostomia, mucositis, trismus, radiation caries, and osteoradionecrosis (ORN).

Management of oral health is paramount for head and neck cancer patients, as dental complications are common. Important considerations include specific preventive, restorative and rehabilitative management, and the prevention and treatment of complications.

Members click here to continue reading and complete this month's Clinical Update questions online.