COVID-19: Return to Clinical Practice Forum

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Associate Professor Roy Judge, Melbourne Dental School (Moderator)

A/Prof Roy Judge is a full time Associate Professor at the Melbourne Dental School. His current roles at the school are Head of Prosthodontics, Director of Continuing Professional Development and Convener of the Specialist Program in Prosthodontics.

Professor Laurie Walsh AO, ADA Infection Control Committee member

Prof Laurie Walsh is a specialist in special needs dentistry, based at the University of Queensland in Brisbane where he runs the SND postgraduate program and the UQ School of Dentistry's research program in clinical microbiology. He has over 300 publications on infection control and clinical microbiology, and has lectured on infection prevention and control across the world. Laurie has served on the ADA infection control committee for over 20 years and contributed to protocols and guidelines for ADA, CDNA, and a range of state and federal government bodies, as well as for the private sector.

Nicole Stormon, ADOHTA Vice President

Nicole Stormon is an oral health therapist, associate lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. Nicole works as a clinical oral health therapist and in research. She observed in clinical practice and research that many people are denied adequate oral health care which can have a significant impact on daily life. Nicole has worked on a variety of topics in the field of dental public health and health service research. Her current research explores influences of children’s oral health to improve access to care and implement preventive service innovations.

Cheryl Dey, DHAA National President

Cheryl Dey graduated from the Advanced Diploma of Oral Health at TAFE SA in 2006. Since graduating she has worked in general and specialist orthodontic practices in Adelaide, Sydney, and Melbourne. Cheryl has been a member of the DHAA and involved in various committees since 2007 and became involved in the DHAA SA executive after graduating, taking the role of Treasurer. In 2012 Cheryl took on a mentee role under the National Treasurer, taking over the role formally in 2013. Cheryl has served on the DHAA Board of Directors since the restructure in 2015 and was elected President in 2018. Cheryl is passionate about furthering the position of the DHAA as the peak professional body representing dental hygienists and oral health therapists and firmly believes that the members deserve a strong association to provide leadership, advocacy, education and mentoring.

Albert Gigl, MW Partners Specialist Dental Accountant

As a chartered accountant (based in Melbourne) for over 30 years, Albert Gigl established MW Partners in 2005 as a specialist dental accounting firm. Albert and his team of dental specialist accountants handle a wide range of matters that affect dentists on a daily basis such as taxation strategies, appropriate use of companies and trusts, service facility agreements, practice bench marking and valuations, GST issues, Business Activity Statements and, of course, preparation of income tax returns and financial statements. He enjoys working with motivated dentists and medical specialists who wish to make the most of their professional opportunities by helping them understand the financial side of dentistry. If you would like to find out more about how Albert and his team at MW Partners can help you, visit

Associate Professor Matthew Hopcraft, ADAVB CEO

A/Prof Matthew Hopcraft is a dental public health expert and CEO of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch (ADAVB). He is a strong public advocate for measures to improve oral health in Australia.


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