Surgical management of gingival recession

Thu 24 July 2025 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Surgical management of gingival recession

This lecture will outline what a periodontist looks out for in a recession coverage consultation, including the aetiology of a patient’s gingival recession, diagnostics, and case selection for a recession coverage procedure. Surgical techniques and their applications will be covered, as well as the limitations of surgical correction

At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise which patients have severe recession defects

  • Identify patients who are candidates for recession coverage surgery

  • Understand which surgical techniques would be applicable to a specific patient

  • Complement this knowledge in daily general practice

Presented by Dr Larissa Ong

CPD hours: 1 clinical hour

RSVP by 22/07/2025

Please note: After registering for this event, you will receive confirmation of registration. The zoom link will be sent to you with a reminder one day prior to the webinar.



Dr Larissa Ong 

Dr Ong is a specialist Periodontist in private practice in Melbourne. She completed her specialist postgraduate training at the University of Melbourne. Her professional interests include the treatment of periodontal disease, soft tissue grafting and implant dentistry. Dr Ong is the immediate past President of the Australian Society of Periodontology Victorian Branch and educational committee member of the Australian Osseointegration Society. She has served as a clinical demonstrator and examiner for dental students.

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