Dental Careers Hub

Furthering your dental career

TELUS Health program

A range of wellbeing information and resources that you can view anywhere, anytime online.

Foundation Education

One of Australia’s leading Registered Training Organisations.

Business structure and planning

Resources to help you handle organisational issues arising in the management of your practice.


ADAVB recognises the significant mental health and wellbeing challenges that members of the dental team may be facing.

Safety and quality

Resources to help you manage safety and quality standards in your practice.

Students and graduates

Resources including checklists and videos designed to help you take the next step in your career.

Human resources

The ADAVB provides members with free access to human resources guides.

Infection prevention and control

Resources to help you ensure you are meeting your legal obligations.

Practice administration

Resources to help you effectively manage administrative tasks.

Privacy and confidentiality

Resources to help you ensure you meet your privacy obligations.

Find a Dentist posters

Posters to display in your practice to encourage good dental health.

Oral health

Resources to help you promote oral health and provide education to patients or students.

Dental staff courses and guide

Learn or consolidate best practice with discounted Foundation Education courses or a free ADAVB member 10-part video series.