General oral health

Ageing and oral health
Good oral health is important for the health and wellbeing of older people, particularly those with existing health conditions. This fact sheet explains how oral health can be maintained in to older age, and how carers play an important role.

Caring for your child’s teeth
This fact sheet takes you through tips for caring for your child’s teeth – from six months of age to pre-schoolers.

Dental myths
There are plenty of dental myths out there – but are they fact or fiction? This fact sheet reveals the truth about six common myths.

Encouraging routine mouthguard use at your sporting club
Do you or your child play contact sport at a club that doesn’t have a mouthguard policy? See our tips on encouraging the club, other players or parents to get on board and protect their players’ teeth from injury with custom-fitted mouthguards.

Fluoride toothpastes
The availability of fluoride-free toothpaste has increased in recent years. When making a choice about whether to use toothpaste with or without fluoride, it is important to weigh up all the facts. Learn more about fluoride toothpaste and its benefits in this fact sheet.

Healthy mouths, healthy kids
This fact sheet explains the steps to prevent childhood dental disease.

Hygiene and mouthguard use
It’s always important to maintain good hygiene to stay well and avoid passing on viruses and other contagious illnesses. This fact sheet outlines hygiene tips to help you reduce the risk of transmission and care for your mouthguard.

Oral hygiene milestones
This chart shows how to care for your children's teeth up to eight years of age.

Oral health tips for the holiday season
The holiday season is full of treats. While no one wants to be the Grinch – taking a bit of care during festivities can help reduce the risks to your teeth. This fact sheet gives some handy tips to keep your smile looking (and feeling) fabulous during the holidays.

Senior Australians and oral health
The need for dental care increases as people age, but deteriorating health, cognition and mobility can leave them unable to maintain good dental hygiene and therefore more vulnerable to oral disease. This fact explains what older Australians can do to remain in control of their oral health.