02 September 2024

2024 ADAVB Past Presidents’ Dinner

The 2024 ADAVB Past Presidents’ Dinner was held on Thursday 22 August at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club with sixteen past presidents in attendance:

  • Dr Bruce Taylor ‘87
  • Dr Vladimir Hardi ‘03/’04
  • Dr Christopher Callahan ‘05/’06
  • Dr Gregory Morris ‘06/’07
  • Dr Jo-Anne Cherry ‘13/’14
  • Dr Stephen Liew ‘15/’16
  • Dr Andrew Gikas ‘16/’17
  • Dr Susan Wise ‘17/’18
  • Dr Gitika Sanghvi ‘19/’20
  • A/Prof Warren Shnider ‘22/’23
  • Dr Jonathan Teoh ‘23/’24
  • Dr Andrew Barnes ‘01/’02
  • Dr David Curnow ‘02/’03
  • Dr Bob Cvetkovic ‘14/’15
  • Dr John Edward Matthews ‘97/’98
  • Dr Angelo Pacella ‘20/’21

Apologies were received from:

  • Dr Neil Hewson ‘94/’95
  • Dr Mark Bowman ‘07/’08
  • Prof John Harcourt OAM ‘75

Since the last dinner, two past presidents have passed away:

  • Dr Eric William Kings OBE ‘72
  • Dr Richard Hardham ‘78

Thank you to John Matthews who assisted with the toasts and recounting his experiences working with Eric and Richard.

It was a delight to host the evening and catch up with those that have served the branch in the highest office. Thanks too, to our special guest Monodon Monoceros.

Written by A/Prof Warren Shnider

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