26 October 2021

Latest Dental Central podcast - The grand reopening

Dental Central episode 11 is live and it’s the grand reopening!

Melbourne has emerged from lockdown 6, a cumulative 262 days in lockdown. What does this mean for us in dental practice? Join us while we chat about all things re-opening:

  • What happens if my practice becomes a COVID-19 exposure site?
  • Risk mitigation measures
  • Changing landscape for furlough (isolation) guidance
  • PPE and exposures
  • Mental health and burnout research:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/dental_burnout

The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and many other podcast platforms. Listen to our new episode and download all our past podcasts too: https://apple.co/3x8lbE1

Do you have any ideas for new topics or interview guests? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].